Omslag Eystein Sandnes, Industridesign
Eystein Sandnes

Eystein Sandnes

349 kr

Eystein Sandnes is best known as a designer for Porsgrunds Porselænsfabrik. He worked there for thirty-three years, chiefly as its head designer. What many do not know is that his work is far richer than that. There are traces of the short periods he spent at Magnor Glassverk and Stavangerflint, but little light has been shed on his other projects. It is vital to reveal the breadth of his repertoire so that we can underscore the versatility he demonstrated throughout his career. All our publications includes bilingual text, in Norwegian and English.

Our publications are bilingual, with all text in both Norwegian and English.

Author Mats Linder


Visa logo, Mastercard logo, Klarna logo

Product Details

Weight 0,399 kg
Dimensions 15,0 × 1,5 × 21,0 cm

Soft cover




Norwegian and English